Tellasis Review


Power of crafts and skills acquisition, lessons from the spare.(3mins read)

One of the reasons why Harry wrote the Spare apart from setting the narratives straight is to raise funding for his family because he has no special craft nor employable.

As a royal, they pledged loyalty to the crown bearer to serve while the crown bearer in return takes care of them but this was cut short when Harry decided to drop the title. Unfortunately, he has no specific craft and had never worked for no one. This means he cannot start his own business neither is he employable. This is where the power of multi-tasked would have helped.

This shows how important it is for parents to encourage their children to be good in so many things as the journey of life is funny. It is not set on stone. Things can take a different turn at any time and you may need to reprioritize where you were.

Imagine if Harry was taught other special crafts that may have tied back to the Royals yet usable outside of the Royal home E.g. finance management as a Royal or something else, he would have been a stamped double sell out too considering the times we are in. well, Who knew things would ever go like this. Put this into perspective of your own life today.

To me this book is more of a revelation to parents than exposing what is happening in the Royal family to set all former news flying about straight according to Harry. Nothing in that book is new, it is a typical life of many individuals that is sometimes been down played. I hope this made an impact and created a wake-up call to places you initially neglected just like me before I read this book, The Spare.

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